Uncategorized & Golf Fore the Hungry

We are happy to announce that the golf team came in fourth place out of 23 groups who played on their flight in Lexington, KY at the University Club for God’s Pantry feed the hungry!! It was a great day with overcast skies and very little wind.  Out of all the funds we donated to enter the event, 97% went to feed hungry children right here in America.  No child should be left behind here in America due to all the resources and intelligence we have.  That is is why our company chooses to pay it forward and participate in events such as this!  We will be posting more articles and interesting facts about skin care as well as the school, follow us on facebook @ Bluegrass Electrolysis, Laser, and Skin Care Clinic as well as Chris Chaffins SElaser and twitter @ BluegrassSkinC.  We believe in getting the correct information out there to benefit others which is why we use so many different media outlets.  Thank you for 40 years and all your support!

By schadmin

Doctoral Degree in Medical Hair/Tattoo Removal
Master Degree in Science and Technology
Master Degree in Education
BA Degree in University Studies
Associates Degree in Science/Pre-Medicine
Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional

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