
Surprisingly A Lot Of People Do Not Know About

“Despite our fame for developing the very first medical laser core content inserted into sub domain categories for best practices based off of the only standards for medical lasers at the time I developed the curriculum which were Quality Standards ANSI z136.1-ANSI z136.4, surprisingly a lot of people do not know about our school (, this is due to a couple of variables.  Me and my tech team have worked really hard to ensure that you have easy access to our material.  You can even enroll in our program via and see if you meet the qualifications for our distinguished program.  One of the main problems is that we are not visible from the road.  We do not yet have a sign for the outside bill board and are open to suggestions (send them either to or, either will be perfectly fine. The fewer letters used for this particular sign, the bigger it will be due to the number of letters since size can be increased with fewer letters! Another problem in today’s society is that people (primarily younger) are becoming too comfortable with computers and think the world is ending if one crashes or no Internet signal is available.  I think it is important to know both the hands on and virtual process/es.  Most of you know I have a Master’s Degree in Science and Technology, the other Master Degree is in Education.  I was taught at an early age by my grandfather how to survive off the land,what mushrooms you can eat in the wild during the spring time like “Morels” and the ones that will kill you which are solid white and is commonly referred to as “The Angel of Death”, and of course the hallucinogenic mushrooms we generally found on my Uncle’s part of the farm near and sometimes even under cow dung (Must be pretty good if people are willing to eat something from cow dung lol), but it is aspects such as these that is not being taught in our schools under a hands+on setting.  Everything I mostly teach is demonstrated in a hands-on matter up in the clinic.  I built black board from scratch so that students from abroad including in other countries could access and complete their assignments if the state in which they wil be practicing in allows them to complete their book work via black board.  Then I let my students practice on me (yes I’ve signed all rights away because I love my students), but that is when you get that light bulb moment!  So please send us some suggestions for our new sign and yes it has be proven time after time that we listen to our patients;)  How do you think we got here????? It wasn’t by being mean to people but by actually going above and beyond the call of duty.  Thank you for everything you do and we look forward to another 40 years of 5 star quality service!”     Mr.  Hyde

By schadmin

Doctoral Degree in Medical Hair/Tattoo Removal
Master Degree in Science and Technology
Master Degree in Education
BA Degree in University Studies
Associates Degree in Science/Pre-Medicine
Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional