
Not only is it Open Enrollment in our School! But we have some Awesome Equipment and Specials!

“Right now in the clinic we have specials going on with those who come in and fill out a customer survey sheet.  We would love to hear your thoughts about our services and most of all our bed side manners (we were raised country lol) and…………  Just by participating you get 15 % off your next procedure.  If we use your actual idea, you get one free treatment of your choice (no more than 30 mins of Electrolysis which is a 50 dollar value, a laser hair removal procedure on a medium sized area of your body worth 125 dollars, or a free micro-current for 20 mins worth 125 dollars, or for those of you who have suffered from acne and the acutance did not produce the results you were looking for, we can perform blue and red light therapy which usually works on our patients when all other procedures and medicines have failed), this unique and special offering just excludes Botox and Permanent make up, those are nurses who provide services under our umbrella that work for us.  Thank you again for the 40 years of support.  We are now “stretched to the point of no turning back”:).  A  feeling I enjoy quite well lol, our new machine (The Exiles) is one of the best technological machines for zapping fats cells that I have ever seen both in our clinic and in the hospitals where I was allowed to observe!  The results are almost immediate, its non-evasive (no surgery), and the results will stay that way anywhere from 2-3 years (similar to plastic surgery because the body does age naturally no matter how many cc’s of Botox  we give you, all of us here in the medical field have a sworn duty to do what’s best for you, the patient, and to be honest, this is just one of the best practices for toning up before the beach/vacation if you don’t have time for costly surgery and the recovery process (not bad mouthing plastic surgeons, some of my good friends are plastic surgeons and can do things we cannot and vice versa), therefore by booking a free consultation about the Exiles and making the decision to go with us, you cut your cost and recovery time in half if you have some areas you would like to see dissipated or dissolved!!!!!  This is what I teach my students in class, we like to call it a win-win situation because we can build relationships with those plastic surgeons who send propel to us because of our technology and we can send our patients to them because they have a particular technology that would be best or that we don’t have!! I learned that a long time ago, it’s called the J.P. Morgan business model, try to partner with your competition, some will say sure, some will say “get the hell out of here” lol, either way, you have nothing loose and everything to gain so ask!  Book a free consultation straight from our online platform; and don’t forget that we also have a school where we are on 5 different medical boards and have a 5 star rating according the general population of the public within a 10 mile radius right here in the horse capital of the world, many nights (like tonight lol) I worked right through all the mountainous red, blue, and purple tape lol, so that we would be certified and known on the National Level and that time has come my friends, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we teach the disciplines laser hair removal, electrolysis, and just recently got approved to teach micro-current (using the best practices for the delivery of instruction thanks to my APRN). Thank you again for making us one of the best in the country for both the clinic and the school, it’s very simple actually, we treat others the way we want to be treated and everything else seems to fall in place.  We are currently working on branching out to the Northern Kentucky area due to demand and cost efficiency for our students, if that’s where God leads us (whatever your faith I respect you).  I like to call it “Riding the Wave”, some try to force their own wave/s, but it can only be done by mother nature, the same principle seems to hold true for this multi-billion business in America that we refer to as cosmetic procedures, permanent hair removal, med spas, and skincare clinics and/or stores that specialize in various products such as herbs and lotions that will help your skin as well, just do your research before purchasing, we got away from products and now strictly focus on satisfying our patients and students to the full extent by the use of our multitude of services.  God Bless and again, thank you guys for the follow! You can see me representing our companies with my crazy pants that the young kids all love (I love to see them light up eve they are making fun of me, I know the humility will set you free.  I will put the dates of the tournaments and scrambles me and my team will be participating in which all goes for charity in about 2 weeks.  Go to and change your life for the better.  I never thought I belonged in this field, like the ugly duckling, left out, but I worked constantly to get my mind off the divorce and it just happened to be the first standardized laser hair removal core content with sub-domain categories and vary DOK levels that put all my students to the test:)  They are all awesome!!!! Adios Amigos!”

Mr.  Hyde

SCL (spell check later lol)

By schadmin

Doctoral Degree in Medical Hair/Tattoo Removal
Master Degree in Science and Technology
Master Degree in Education
BA Degree in University Studies
Associates Degree in Science/Pre-Medicine
Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional