We just wanted to take time out and give Ms. Destin Kincer (Former Ms. Kentucky) a big thanks for utilizing all of our clinic services to look and feel her best! We would have never made it to #1 without you and for that…………we salute you;)
Author: schadmin
Doctoral Degree in Medical Hair/Tattoo Removal
Master Degree in Science and Technology
Master Degree in Education
BA Degree in University Studies
Associates Degree in Science/Pre-Medicine
Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional
Be sure to log into sselaser.org and register for the spring 2017 semester. We have board certifications in the areas of electrolysis and laser hair removal. We have had our school for 27 years and our clinic for 41! Thank you for making us #1 in classroom differentiated instruction! We look forward to another 27 years of proving you, your family and friends a world class education!
We just wanted to say that it was awesome greeting our new students today. We want to make a point that was put in place by Dr. Christopher S. Chaffins, according to his educational standards of practice protocol it is best practices to perform laser hair removal on an appropriate candidate first, usually with a package (on average) of 6-12 treatments and then follow up with electrolysis for those few pesky hairs the laser can’t extinguish. Providing this practice and being honest to your patients will increase volume in your practice/clinic for many future years to come. Thank you to all the new students who just registered for the upcoming 2017 spring semester. Prospective students please don’t waist time and register for classes at sselaser.org we only have 30 seats available after today. Thank you again for making us #1!!
We would just like to welcome in our new students to sselaser.org from right here in Kentucky. Spring is right upon us and now is the perfect time to take advantage and sign up for electrolysis and/or laser hair removal certification classes. WE are on 6 different state medical boards and believe everyone has certain gifts and talents to offer society. It is our job to help our students discover these hidden gifts and help them to use it to their advantage. And also don’t forget, you can also log onto to sselaser.org and schedule your very own appointment choosing your very own procedure and medical professional straight from our virtual platform!
We just want to give a big thank you to Mrs. Dianna Miller, National Ski Champion for congratulating us on a job well done in the magazine “Tops in LEX”. Thank you Mrs. Miller for everything you do for sselaser.org and sselaser.org we couldn’t have made it to #1 without you and for that, we salute you!
We just finished up our next celebrity model interviews for bgkskincare and we are still undecided! Right now it is open enrollment for our spring 2017 electrology and laser hair removal classes. Join this uncrowded field with unlimited income earning potential by going to sselaser.org and registering for classes straight form the comfort of your living room. We change our schedule to meet yours which makes us one of the most unique schools in the world. Register today and we look forward to seeing you online as well as in our classroom, clinic and labs!
We would just like to welcome in new students from the wonderful state of Kansas! Thank you for everything you do and we look forward to seeing you in the classroom as well as in our labs/clinic! Anyone interested in taking classes is in luck! Log onto to sselaser.org and apply from the comfort of your living room. It is now open enrollment for the spring 2017 semester! We are happy to be the #1 school in the country for hands-on differentiated instruction. Begin your future today in this uncrowded field with unlimited income earning possibilities.
Just a quick reminder that we have open enrollment going on for the 2017 semester here at the Southeastern School. Sign up for electrolysis and/or laser hair removal classes straight from the comfort of your bathroom by going to sselaser.org and completing the online application. We are on 6 different state medical boards and always welcome students from abroad! We believe that everyone has gifts and talents to offer society. As a world known school, it is our job to help our students discover these hidden talents and help them grow in society to provide positive and educational impacts. Register today and we look forward to seeing you in our school, clinic and labs! Attached is our new and upcoming ad that will appear in one of the Ms. Kentucky sponsored magazines. We wish all of the contestants the best of luck! Ms. Kentucky Magazine Ad
We would just like to welcome our new students from the wonderful state of Kansas! It is a pleasure to certify our students on a national level in the fields of laser hair removal and electrolysis. It is still open enrollment for the spring 2017 semester. Register for classes today at sselaser.org and thank you for 27 years! Our school looks forward to another 27 years of serving you, your families, and your friends educational and continuing educational needs. Take charge of your future and enter this uncrowded field with potential for high income earning today!
Extra extra read all about it! We now have open enrollment going on in our school for the spring 2017 semester! Logon to our web page and see everything we offer! Prospective students who want a career in this field can check us out at sselaser.org where you can view descriptions of all certifications/diplomas we offer plus register for the spring 2017 semester right from the comfort of your own bed room! We incorporate black board technology as well but please understand you must come into our classroom and lab to perform the hours required by your state to legally perform electrolysis and/or laser hair removal in your practice/clinic. The Government allows us to use black board as a technology conduit where students can turn in all written work and book assignments. Thank you for 27 years;) We look forward to another 27 years serving all of your educational needs! If you are interested in seeking our clinic services please log into sselaser.org and check out all the many services that we provide in our clinic. The clinic has functioned for 41 years and we are very pleased to make so many people look and feel the best about themselves;)