We are taking applications for our fall 2021 semester! Be sure to go to sselaser.org and click “Apply” at the top of the screen. You can register for laser and/or electrology classes and we just want to say “thanks” for 32 years of student success!

We are taking applications for our fall 2021 semester! Be sure to go to sselaser.org and click “Apply” at the top of the screen. You can register for laser and/or electrology classes and we just want to say “thanks” for 32 years of student success!
Just wanted to say congratulations to Jill from the awesome state of North Carolina and Jocelyn from the beautiful state of North Dakota. They both graduated with honors from the Southeastern School of Laser & Electrology completing 600 hours in medical electrology training! Thank you very much! Sign up for the fall class sessions by going to sselaser.org and click “Apply” at the top of the screen. Still don’t know if your a candidate to make unlimited income? Check out one of our online classes from the link below and thanks for 31 years of student success!
Open enrollment for medical laser and/or electrology certification is still going on in our school for the Spring 2020 semester! Go to sselaser.org and click “Apply” at the top of the screen to register. Still don’t know if your a candidate to enter this unlimited income earning field? Check out one of our online courses from the link below and thank you for 31 years of student success! Go to bgskincare.com and click the calendar if you want to become a patient and thank you for 45 years in that department!
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #cosmetictherapyschools, #unlimitedincomeearningschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #topustradeschools, #vaschools, #bestpracticesschools, #takecontrolofyourlife, #makeyourownfortune, #bgskincare, #laserclinics, #electrolysisclinics, #bestbotoxinjectors, #ledtherapy, #microcurrenttraining, #microcurrenttherapies, #exilisfatreduction, #exilisskintightening, #1lexingtonmedspawinner2019bgskincare
Amazing week with both our celebrity models stopping by the school/clinic! “Jess” who just made the front cover of Hamburg Guide, and Destin Kincer Smith, former Ms. Kentucky Thank you both for choosing us! Check out our you tube show about it all from the link below, be sure to like + subscribe & register for classes at sselaser.org
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #bgskincare, #sselaser, #accreditedschools, #lexingtonlaserhairremoval, #lexingtonelectrolysis, #toptradeschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #laserhairremovaltraining
Our new school and clinic location is starting to come together nicely! Register for medical laser and/or electrology classes today by going to sselaser.org and click apply at the the top of the screen or become a patient at sselaser.org by booking your own appointment through our virtual patient portal and thank for the many years of support!
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #accreditedschools, #toptradeschools, #financialfreedom
Not only do we teach electrolysis, we also teach laser hair removal! Go to sselaser.org and click apply at the top of the screen to register or call the school any time to make an appointment to tour both our school and clinic! Thank you again for allowing us 30 years to teach others how to run a successful practice and we look forward to another 30;) Please check the laws in the state you will be practicing, some require electrology training prior to laser and thanks again!
#laserschools, electrolysisschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #vaschools, #mycaaschools, #accreditedschools, #cosmetictherapy, #sselaser, #bgskincare
We put together a family oriented you tube show show casing the beautiful Destin, Fl area while on vacation. Be sure to “Like” and “Subscribe.” It’s also open enrollment in our school, log onto to sselaser.org and apply for medical laser and/or electrology classes. Thank you again for allowing us 30 years to teach others how to run their own successful practices! Truly a blessing to help so many;)
Got our new laser up and running! Check out the you tube show we put together from the link below, please like/subscribe and thanks!
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #sselaser, #bgskincare
We now have open enrollment going on for both medical laser and medical electrology! We are happy to be VA assisted and MYCAA for those who have served our county and/or continuing to serve our country! Log on today to register for the Summer 2019 semester. It has been a blessing to train so many from all over this great Nation of ours and we look forward to training many more! Our school is accredited and has been in operation for 30 years. We were the school who also developed the first standardized medical laser core content curriculum with sub-domain categories which was copyrighted in 2013. Thank you again for making us #1, we never could have done it without your support!
#electrolysisschools, #laserschools, #accreditedschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #sselaser, #bgksincare