Our school is now back open for in person classes. We must adhere to the laws set forth by our Governor, however, it is a blessing to be back open! Register for laser and/or electrology classes today at sselaser.org or check out one of our online classes from the link below and thanks for 31 years of students success!
Tag: #cosmetictherapyschools
Just wanted to say congratulations to Jill from the awesome state of North Carolina and Jocelyn from the beautiful state of North Dakota. They both graduated with honors from the Southeastern School of Laser & Electrology completing 600 hours in medical electrology training! Thank you very much! Sign up for the fall class sessions by going to sselaser.org and click “Apply” at the top of the screen. Still don’t know if your a candidate to make unlimited income? Check out one of our online classes from the link below and thanks for 31 years of student success!
Online Classes During COVID

Valentines Day Open Enrollment
Leave nothing to chance this Valentine’s Day! If you want to pursue a career in this unlimited earning field register for classes at sselaser.org and thanks for decades of support!
Amazing week with both our celebrity models stopping by the school/clinic! “Jess” who just made the front cover of Hamburg Guide, and Destin Kincer Smith, former Ms. Kentucky Thank you both for choosing us! Check out our you tube show about it all from the link below, be sure to like + subscribe & register for classes at sselaser.org
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #bgskincare, #sselaser, #accreditedschools, #lexingtonlaserhairremoval, #lexingtonelectrolysis, #toptradeschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #laserhairremovaltraining
Our New School!
Our new school and clinic location is starting to come together nicely! Register for medical laser and/or electrology classes today by going to sselaser.org and click apply at the the top of the screen or become a patient at sselaser.org by booking your own appointment through our virtual patient portal and thank for the many years of support!
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #accreditedschools, #toptradeschools, #financialfreedom
The Fall II laser and electrology semester are now open for enrollment! Log onto to sselaser.org and click “apply” at the top of the screen to register for classes. Still don’t know if you would like to enter this unlimited income earning field? Take one of our online classes from the link below and thank you for 30 years of student success!
Welcome NC Students!
Just wanted to welcome in our students from the awesome State of North Carolina! We are so happy to be on their board to teach both medical laser and electrology! We also want to encourage prospective students from this Country and around the globe to consider us when training to enter this unlimited income earning field! Register for classes today at sselaser.org and we celebrate 30 years of teaching this year!
#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #cosmetictherapyschools, #accreditedschools, #vaschools, #mycaaschools, #sselaser