Open enrollment for medical laser and/or electrology certification is still going on in our school for the Spring 2020 semester! Go to and click “Apply” at the top of the screen to register. Still don’t know if your a candidate to enter this unlimited income earning field? Check out one of our online courses from the link below and thank you for 31 years of student success! Go to and click the calendar if you want to become a patient and thank you for 45 years in that department!

#laserschools, #electrolysisschools, #cosmetictherapyschools, #unlimitedincomeearningschools, #medicalschools, #cosmeticschools, #topustradeschools, #vaschools, #bestpracticesschools, #takecontrolofyourlife, #makeyourownfortune, #bgskincare, #laserclinics, #electrolysisclinics, #bestbotoxinjectors, #ledtherapy, #microcurrenttraining, #microcurrenttherapies, #exilisfatreduction, #exilisskintightening, #1lexingtonmedspawinner2019bgskincare